A selection of original paintings available for you to buy.
Explore a selection of original paintings available to buy right now, without ever leaving your armchair!
Personalise your living or work space with a piece of original, expressive abstract artwork that you can be sure no one else will have! Support a local artist!
Do you want your home to be like the average Joe’s? generic art bought from those home stores, you know the ones. No! you want original paintings in your home to reflect your unique personality, values and good taste. Be your authentic, unapologetic self and show all your friends and visitors who you are and shout it from the rooftops!
That’s what I get out of making art and I want you to experience that too. When I look at my work I see joy, wonder, curiosity, history and beauty. I see the brushstrokes, the energy and the little things that perhaps were not supposed to happen but hey, they did, that’s life and it makes the work so much richer for it.
So go on treat yourself to an original painting and express who you are and be proud of it because I am!
Simply hover over each image to see more images, or click to see details and buy. If you are interested in a particular piece and would like more photos, please don’t hesitate to contact me
“Be who you are and say what you feel because those who mind don’t matter and those who matter don’t mind”